Sunday, November 7, 2010

Revolutionary War

Students will be creating three mini-projects on the Revolutionary War. They should do one project from each area.


Meritorious Commendation Medal

Create a chart and show the contributions/impact made by the people listed below. Then choose the person who most deserves the Meritorious Commendation Medal. Design a medal for that person and list the specific detailed contributions/impact of the person. Deborah Sampson, Henry Knox, Nathanial Greene, Benedict Arnold, Margaret Corbin, Mercy Otis Warren, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Baron von Steuban, Casimir Pulaski, Nathan Hale, Marquis de Lafayette, Robert Morris, Horatio Gates (This can be done with Glogster, other digital tools.)


In a well-written essay examine the advantages and disadvantages of the American Continental Army and the British Army. When evaluating the advantages/disadvantages – who should have won the war? Evaluate which advantage most helped the colonists eventually win the war.


Create cartoon/song/rap that depicts the effects of one of the following:

- spies in the revolution

- the impact of Thomas Paine’s American Crisis

- the use of guerilla warfare

- the use naval warfare

Cartoon can be hand drawn or programs (such as, can be used. Record your song or rap.)



In a well-written essay compare the American Revolution to another revolution in history (e.g., French Revolution – 1789-1799, Russian Revolution – 1917, Cuban Revolution – 1950s, Iranian Revolution – 1978-79, Mexican Revolution - 1910, Haitian Revolution – 1791). Use the overall theme of turning points in history when making your comparison. You may wish to use categories such as social, political & economic.


Create a model illustrating the Battle of Saratoga. The model should clearly show the strategies used by the colonists to win the battle and the ineffective strategies used by the British. The model must include descriptions and clearly explain why it was a turning point. Key people should also be identified on the model.


Interview Ben Franklin and John Adams regarding their diplomatic missions during the Revolutionary War. Your interview questions should help analyze the strategies they used and highlight their difficulties and successes. (You should record your interview as a podcast or a video.)


Perspectives Poster

Create a poster showing the complex role each group played in the American Revolution: Native Americans, African Americans and women. Also, what effect did the end of the war have on each group? (This can be done with Glogster or some other online tool.)


Create a journal written by George Washington during part of the war. The journal should be based on actual historical events and the decisions/difficulties Washington faced. Some of the journal might include real quotes from Washington’s primary source correspondence during the war. Anything you write in the journal should relate to something that did happen or could have happened.


In a well-written DBQ essay, respond to the following – If you had been a soldier with Washington at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777, would you have re-enlisted? Use documents provided to support your response.

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